Monday, April 12, 2010

Re-post from Frontera-List

Note: this is a re-posting of a massacre that has taken place in the town of Creel, Chihuahua, and was captured on security cameras, an event that occurred over 90 minutes. Molly Molloy, who hosts Frontera-List, is a researcher with a keen interest in the northern states of Mexico, particularly Ciudad Juárez. The original Spanish article is below the English translation. WMM.

Thanks to Susan for this link and translation.  m.

Creel is a village. The very Command and Control center whose camera/s
recorded this atrocity is located in Creel. I wonder if one of the guys in these pictures is also the CIPOL police agent who was recently arrested, along with several others, for the minor offense of assault/robbery................ there have been no apparent leads, investigations,or arrests in this or any other massacre or the numerous forced disappearances taking place in the Sierra Madre, in and around Creel.

Cipol Narcovideo broadcast by Denise Maerker  where masked commando
massacres 9 member of Creel family without any response from state
government Chihuahua.

This Thursday, Denise Maerker, anchor of the Televisa program Punto de
Partida, broadcast a chilling 7 minute narcovideo that has flown around the world. In the video recorded by the Police Intelligence Control Center (Cipol) (Cuerpo de Inteligenica Policial) also (Control de Investigacion, Prevencion, Operacion y Logistica) in Creel, a dozen gunmen arrive in the village and with complete impunity massacre 9 members of a businessman's family, including a 14 year-old adolescent.

The events took place at sunrise on March 15, where several major massacres have occurred. During almost 90 minutes, the video in the possession of Punto de Partida clearly records the faces of the bad guys, including when they consume cocaine almost by the handfuls from a plastic bag. Additionally, they can be observed beating and terrorizing drivers who happened to pass by the scene of the crime in their vehicles. All of the details of the slaughter by dozens of mercenaries aboard a dozen SUV's, were taped by the State Police and as Denise Maerker did well to question, not a single authority did anything to pursue the assassins. 

Governor Reyes Baeza has maintained silence regarding this case, which illustrates the savage and brutal un-governability of the State.


El Gobernador Reyes Baeza ha guardado silencio sobre este caso que
ilustra la salvaje y brutal ingobernabilidad del Estado.

> Publicado el 09 Abril 2010
> Recorre el mundo narcovideo de Cipol difundido por Denisse Merker donde comando encapuchado masacra 9 integrantes de una familia en Creel sin que gobierno estatal haga algo
> CHIHUAHUA.- El dolor de estómago es una epidemia en Palacio.
> Este jueves, la conductora del programa Punto de Partida en Televisa, Denisse Merker, difundió un escalofriante narcovideo de siete minutos, que ha dado la vuelta al mundo.
> En el video grabado por el Centro de Mando de Cipol en Creel, una docena de sicarios llega al poblado y en total impunidad, masacra 9 integrantes de la familia de un empresario, entre ellos una adolescente de 14 años.
> Los hechos fueron al amanecer del 15 de marzo en ese poblado, donde ya han ocurrido otras matanzas mayores.
> Durante casi 90 minutos, el video en poder de Punto de Partida graba claramente los rostros de los maleantes, incluso cuando consumen cocaína casi a puños de una bolsa de plástico.Además se observa como golpean y atemorizan a los conductores que pasan en sus vehículos por la escena del crimen.
> Todos los detalles de la matanza por decenas de mercenarios a bordo de una docena de camionetas, fueron grabados por la Policía Estatal y como bien cuestionó Denisse Merker, ninguna autoridad hizo nada para perseguir a los asesinos.
> El Gobernador Reyes Baeza ha guardado silencio sobre este caso que ilustra la salvaje y hrutal ingobernabilidad del Estado.


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