Wednesday, October 20, 2010

LEAP Events Calendar

Take a look at the LEAP Events Calendar. Look at all the events LEAP is doing in California during the next thirteen days.

It's pretty amazing. September and the earlier weeks in October were just as packed.

LEAP has been doing an amazing job in California supporting Proposition 19. I've held off doing much as a LEAP speaker, mainly because I think it would be inappropriate for someone from another country to tell American citizens how to vote.

That said, I'm very proud of the LEAP speakers and staff who have been working hard in California. They've made a real difference in the ballot initiative.


  1. Yeah, I think LEAP has had a real effect on the polling for Prop 19. Thanks for all the great work you guys keep doing.

    Recently Sheriff Lee Baca promised that he would continue arresting Californians for marijuana offenses even if Prop 19 passes. I'd be interested to hear the LEAP take on that. As a police officer, doesn't Sheriff Baca have an obligation to respect the law in his state, just as an officer who personally opposes prohibition would nevertheless be obligated to enforce the prohibition laws on the books?

    Would Sheriff Baca be legally responsible for any wrongful arrests for state-legal behavior? Sounds like kidnapping and wrongful imprisonment to me.

  2. I haven't seen the schedule, but I do believe everyone is hard at work. Thank you all!

    … because I think it would be inappropriate for someone from another country to tell American citizens how to vote.
    I respect your humility, but I completely disagree. :-) Not only has Drug War Galore from the Babylon Whore told other countries how to vote, but it has gone over the heads of other country's citizens and forced laws on the books of those countries!

    You do not have to tell people how to vote, if that makes you uncomfortable, but you can tell them why ending the black market will make us all safer. (Insert the dozens of other reasons here too.)


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