Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mexican ex-president calls for free trade, legal drugs

I was happy to read this news report - Pacific Coast Business Times - Mexican ex-president calls for free trade, legal drugs which quoted former Mexican president Vicente Fox saying:

"If it wants to end drug-related violence in Mexico, the United States should consider legalizing drugs"


"We need to end the war . . . It's time to debate legalizing drugs. Then maybe we can separate violence from what is a health problem."

Of course, it would be nice to find more politicians speaking out against the drug war while they are still in office!

1 comment:

  1. "If it wants to end drug-related violence in Mexico, the United States should consider legalizing drugs"

    I didn't read the article you linked to, but this line caught my attention.

    Obviously the forces that be are NOT in favor of the violence in Mexico going away. People who hate God and love money are seeing to that.

    He sounds MUCH TOO timid. Instead of saying "if [the U.S.] wants to end drug-related violence," he should be saying/asking "why is it the U.S. doesn't want the prohibition violence to end?" "Who is it that is benefitting from these prohibitions? (Financially or otherwise.) "


    His comments bely the fact there are plenty of companies that make tons of money on this evil monstrosity.

    OR that there are a bewildering amount of thug addicts who are so drunk on their sense of self-righteousness that they really could not care less than seeing a thousands of Mexicans kill each other.


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